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README (Gamma)

This is an interesting tutorial that focus on how operation works in IaaS.
In this tutorial, we will experience in:

  • create VM hosts (with multipass)
  • create custom docker image (with docker compose)
  • create k8s cluster that load-balance an app (Nginx web)
  • create a utility to inspect and monitor the patch operation (
  • simulate docker patching on mutable infrastructure


We need to have Multipass installed to complete this tutorial. And we need to allocate 16GB RAM and 20G disk space.


Here's the architecture:

             |                       ______            |
             |                |-----| mino |           |
 ______      |   ______       |      ======            |
| kiko | ------ | lilo | ---- |         k8s worker1    |
 ======      |   ======       |      ______            |
    kubectl  |    k8s master  |-----| nino |           |
             |                       ======            |
             |                          k8s worker2    |
             |                                         | 
             ----------- k8s cluster -------------------

And here is the table of nodes.

VM Host Role
1 kiko K8s client ; docker compose;
2 lilo K8s master node
3 mino K8s worker node 1
4 nino K8s worker node 2


  1. Creating 4 VM which include:
    • 1 k8s client, 1 k8s master node, and 2 k8s worker node
  2. Deploy unpatch app at k8s clueter with load-balancer
  3. Develop a utility to check and monitor the patch operation
  4. Perform patching operation on mutable infrastructure
    • Deploy the new image with k8s
    • Simulate patching operation over unpatch app with patched app

1. Create 4 VM

  • create 4 VM
  • install and configure k8s client
  • install and configure k8s master node
  • install and configure k8s worker nodes

2. Deploy Unpatch App

  • create custom unpatch docker image (with label unpatch)
  • create custom patched docker image (with label patched)
  • deploy the unpatch docker image to k8s

3. Develop Utility

  • create webping with Python
  • test and monitor unpatch docker runtime/container

4. Perform Patching Operation

  • test and monitor app (running on unpatch docker runtime/container)
  • deploy the patched docker image over the unpatch container
  • test and monitor app (running on patched docker runtime/container)