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I write about Cybersecurity in simple practical terms.

The Strategies

Building a Resilient Website with Cybersecurity Key Principles.

Securing your website begins with essential security practices. These include using strong passwords, enabling SSL/TLS encryption, and keeping your software up to date. These steps are non-negotiable to safeguard any site from common threats.

It’s also important to adopt principles like security through obscurity, not security by obscurity. The first uses clever design and techniques to add extra protection, while the second depends entirely on keeping details hidden—which is risky if those details are ever discovered.

While adding layers of complexity can enhance protection, relying solely on secrecy is risky if those hidden details are ever discovered.

Simplifying cybersecurity is another key approach — overcomplicated defenses can lead to mistakes and vulnerabilities. Following the Ten Immutable Laws of Security helps us focus on the most critical truths, such as the importance of controlling physical and remote access to your systems.

For example, if someone has unrestricted access to your systems —- whether physically or remotely —- your defenses won’t hold up.

By sticking to these strategies, focusing on the essentials, and simplifying the approachs, we can create a website that is better protected against today’s threats.

Tools Development

All tools and utils that developed are stored at myseq@github.

Utils ≠ Tools

Utility is not same as tool. Utilities are small program that brings fun and quick solution to some problems. I’ve put all the utilities that I created at GitHub repo at MySeq/utils:

Open Source

Currently, I am busy at R&D and learn everything about clouds …


All the R&D works have been migrated to Lab21.


  1. WSL settings configuration
  2. TaiPy
  3. Taipy-GPT4-Demo
  4. Build stunning Data Science WebApp
  5. Turn Data/AI algorithm into full WebApp


  1. HTTPie
  2. Bruno
  3. Insomnium API Client

Public API (VM)





New MySeq Blog at GitHub
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MySeq new blog
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Have fun via links and learning.
🧙 About Myseq 🥑
·240 words·2 mins
MySeq website
MySeq = essential_security + simplify_cybersecurity