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Irreplaceable Quotient

·574 words·3 mins
Notes ai quiz
cli-geek, strategist
Table of Contents
Three competencies, which are the backbone of building an IRREPLACEABLE future for you, your children, and your business.

I took a quiz on How well can I succeed in the age of Artificial Intelligence? today. And I recommend everyone should take the IRREPLACEABLE Quotient (IRQ) Test.

The Quiz

I’m getting a score of 10/15 (~66%) at the first round. Below here are my results:

  1. In the age of AI, building a deep technical expertise offers more security than developing a more shallow and varied skill set. [T/F]
  2. Allowing ChatGPT at school would diminish students’ critical thinking skills. [T/F]
  3. As the presence of technology increases, we should focus on learning coding and programming, as these skills will become more valuable than others like creativity or empathy. [T/F]
  4. Practicing open-mindedness has large impact on your ability to work effectively with AI. [T/F]
  5. Knowing about 30% of a wide range of AI topics is better than knowing 100% of a few AI topics. [T/F]
  6. You can become more resilient by learning how to reject your negative emotions. [T/F]
  7. Comfort with discomfort is a skill for adapting to rapid changes in technology. [T/F]
  8. Skepticism towards new technologies boosts innovation and adaptability in the workplace. [T/F]
  9. Unlearning outdated knowledge is as important as learning new information. [T/F]
  10. Personal data privacy is less of a concern when using AI tools from established companies. [T/F]
  11. Developing AI literacy is worth doing, because it is a one-time investment that requires minimum updating. [T/F]
  12. In a future where data-driven decisions are automated, the need for critical thinking decreases, leaving us more time for creativity. [T/F]
  13. As AI becomes more prevalent, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) will become more crucial than Intelligence Quotient (IQ). [T/F]
  14. Navigating ambiguity will become a less necessary skill due to the increased capacity of AI to predict the future. [T/F]
  15. As our world becomes more digital, empathy will play a less significant role. [T/F]

The score (10/15) is broken down into the three (3) competencies, which are the backbone of building an IRREPLACEABLE future.

3 Competencies

According to IRREPLACEABLE, there are three (3) essential competencies to pose in order to become IRREPLACEABLE in the age of AI.

1. Change-Ready

Change-Ready means having the resilience and adaptability to thrive in a world that is evolving at an increasing pace. It’s about being able to learn, unlearn, and relearn as the situation demands.

A Change-Ready individual is proactive, flexible, and always looking for ways to improve. They see change as an opportunity, not a threat, and are willing to take risks and experiment with new ideas.

2. AI-Ready

AI-Ready means having a deep understanding of AI technologies, their capabilities, and their limitations. It’s about knowing how to leverage AI to augment our own abilities and make better decisions.

AI-Ready involves also safeguarding against its negative impacts, such as ethical issues or addictions. It’s also about having the right mindset: seeing AI as a tool to be harnessed, not a threat to be feared.

3. Human-Ready

Human-Ready means cultivating the Humics, which are the uniquely human abilities that AI cannot replicate authentically: genuine creativity, social authenticity, and critical thinking. It’s about recognizing that our value lies not in our ability to process information, but in our ability to create, innovate, and connect with others on a deep, emotional level.

A Human-Ready individual is self-aware, emotionally intelligent, and able to collaborate effectively with both humans and machines.



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