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Diagramming with Mermaid

·246 words·2 mins
Posts diagram mermaid
cli-geek, strategist
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About Mermaid

Mermaid allow us to create diagrams and visualizations using merely text and code.

It is a JavaScript-based diagramming tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create diagram easily.

If you are familiar with Markdown you should have no problem learning Mermaid.

Mermaid Themes

Mermaid supports different themes at site-wide or individual diagram.

For site-wide theme customization, the initialize call is used. For diagram specific customization, the init directive is used.

Here are the available themes:

  1. default - default theme.
  2. neutral - black/white theme that suitable for printing.
  3. dark - dark-colored that suit for blog or web site.
  4. forest - green-shared theme if you like it.
  5. base - the only theme that can be modified and customization.

Site-wide Theme

  securityLevel: 'loose',
  theme: 'base',

Diagram-specific Theme

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  graph LR
    a --> b
    b --> a

    linkStyle 0 stroke:white
    linkStyle 1 stroke:yellow
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%% graph LR a --> b b --> a linkStyle 0 stroke:white linkStyle 1 stroke:yellow

Hugo + Mermaid

Simply follow the instruction at Hugo’s Diagram.

  • Upgrade to Hugo v0.93.0 and above.
  • It supports GoAT and Mermaid diagrams.

Make sure to turn on Mermaid at the front matter.

toml mermaid = true


  • Since I migrated to blowfish theme, to insert Mermaid diagram, use the shortcodei as below.
{{< mermaid >}}
 graph LR;
{{< /mermaid >}}



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