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·508 words·3 mins
Posts config hugo
cli-geek, strategist
Table of Contents

2022.12.10 - Install Hugo

To install Hugo:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install hugo

2022.12.11 - Setup Hugo

To setup blog site with Hugo locally:

$ mkdir -p source/github
$ cd source/github
$ git clone<user>/<user>
$ cd <user>
$ git checkout -b setup-hugo
Switched to a new branch 'setup-hugo'
$ hugo new site --force .
$ git clone themes/terminal
$ vi config.toml


theme = 'terminal'
baseURL = '/'
enableEmoji = true

For the rest of the setup, please refer to hugo-theme-terminal

To start the Hugo server:

$ hugo server -t terminal --bind=

To push blog to GitHub:

$ git add . 
$ git status
$ git commit -m "setup 1 of blog site"
$ git push origin setup-hugo
$ git checkout main
$ git pull 

To automating website deployment with CD process, and the please refer cd.yml to 04-continous-deployment:

$ git checkout -b add-cd
Switched to a new branch 'add-cd'
$ mkdir -p .github/workflows
$ touch .github/workflows/cd.yml
$ vi .github/workflows/cd.yml
$ git add .github/workflows/cd.yml
$ git commit -m "Add a GitHub Actions workflow to build and deploy the site"
$ git push origin add-cd
$ git checkout main
Switched to branch 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
$ git pull

Setup GH-Pages

Before pushing to GitHub, below is the additional setup for SSH logiin to GH. See Set up GitHub push with SSH

$ git remote set-url origin

In case of CD process fails, add extended: true next to hugo-version: 'latest'

In case of action-gh-pages fails, such as Action failed with “The process ‘/usr/bin/git’ failed with exit code 128”

  • change settings under Settings-Action-General
  • Workflow Permissions: Read and Write
  • Allow GitHub Actions to approve pull requests

2022.12.12 - Configure Hugo

To check out a new branch to add content:

$ git checkout -b adding-content

For example, to create site content inside content directory:

$ hugo new posts/<title>.md
$ vim content/posts/<title>.md

To push to GitHub and merging to main

$ git add .
$ git commit -m " - adding new post"
$ git push origin adding-content
$ git checkout main
$ git pull

2023.04.30 - Reference

Here is a reference to tutorial on blogging with Hugo and GitHub Pages.

2023.07.19 - Upgrade

I decided to upgrade the Hugo with Package Managers (snap) in order to stay with latest version (easier).

2023.10.05 - Update

  • Check if “Read and write permissions” are enabled in Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions:
    • Make sure it is “Read and write permission”
    • Check the option “Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests”


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