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Security vs Privacy

·112 words·1 min
YT infosec privacy
cli-geek, strategist
Table of Contents
Security is the foundation and privacy is built on top of it.

Key Takeawys


  • Focuses on protecting information from unauthorized access.
  • The CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) are the main principles of security.
  • Protects confidential business information.
  • PCI and SOX are regulations on security.


  • Focuses on how information about an individual is collected, used, disclosed, and protected.
  • Notice, consent, and transparency are additional factors for privacy on top of security.
  • Privacy protects personal information like health data and social security number.
  • GDPR and HIPAA are regulations on privacy.

If you aren’t paying for it, you are the product, not the customer. Products don’t get to call customer support.


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