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Vulnerability Detection Outcomes

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Detection outcomes or classification outcomes, come from the field of binary classification.

There are applied in vulnerability management to describe how accurately a vulnerability scanning tool or process identifies issues.

For example, if a vulnerability scanner identifies a specific security flaw (such as an outdated software version with known exploits), and this flaw actually exists on the system, that’s a true positive. It indicates the detection was accurate and actionable.

4 Outcomes

OutcomesDefinitionVuln ExistsVuln Not_Found
True PositiveCorrectly identifies a vulnerability that exists.βœ”οΈ
False PositiveIncorrectly identifies a vulnerability that doesn’t exist.βœ”οΈ
True NegativeCorrectly identifies that a vulnerability doesn’t exist.βœ”οΈ
False NegativeIncorrectly fails to identify a vulnerability that exists.βœ”οΈ

In machine learning and cybersecurity, these outcomes are sometimes also referred to as the confusion matrix outcomes, as they are part of the confusion matrix used to evaluate the performance of a classifier.


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