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Vuln Mgmt: From Context to Metrics

·221 words·2 mins
YT sans webcast vulnmgmt
cli-geek, strategist
Table of Contents

Summary (My notes)

A series of videos (3 parts) that talk about vulnerability management:

  • from finding the context with tools
  • leveraging the context for prioritization
  • leveraging context to create meaningful and tailored metrics for specifics to owners, systems, applications, by business unit
    • churn rate
    • mean time to detect - average
    • mean time to resolve - average
    • agents coverage vs non-agent
    • SLA compliance rate
  • leveraging context for reporting (tailored) automated.
    • exceptions
    • vulnerable images
  • Contextual Information
    • Enterprise assets, cloud assets, and ownership information.
  • Leveraging Contextual Information
    • Prioritization, Metrics, and Reporting
    • Threat intel (internal and external)
  • Effective VulnMgmt
    • Working Vs Effective
      • Mean Time to Detect: Average (vuln pub data - vuln found date)
      • Churn rate: Absolute Value (New vuln - Closed vuln @ monthly)
      • Re-open rate:
      • Averagee Exposure Windows: Average (vuln close date - vuln pub date)
      • Overdue: (current date - first discovered) > Policy
    • Communication and collaborations
      • feedback, tailored report
    • Enabling business to deliver mission
  • Comments:
    • CMDB is too slow nowadays
      • tracking image version, usage, life-span, deployed
    • Multiple scanners and automation

SANS Webcasts

Finding Context (part 1 of 3)

Leveraging Context (part 2 of 3)

Is the Program Effective (part 3 of 3)



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