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VulnCheck KEV Community

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Table of Contents
VulnCheck’s KEV catalog equips vulnerability management teams and cybersecurity professionals with faster, broader coverage in an efficient machine-readable dataset needed for detection, prioritization, and remediation.

Staying ahead of cyber threats requires constant vigilance, especially when it comes to exploited vulnerabilities.

VulnCheck KEV steps up as a next-generation solution, empowering security teams to proactively manage vulnerabilities and prioritize remediation efforts.

VulnCheck KEV

This robust platform offers the largest real-time collection of known exploited vulnerabilities (KEVs).
By incorporating data beyond what CISA KEV provides, VulnCheck KEV equips you with a more comprehensive threat landscape.

FeatureCISA KEVVulnCheck KEV
ScopeCurated list of confirmed KEVsBroader scope including CISA KEV and additional reported KEVs (~80% more)
TimelinesUpdates may lag behind real-time threatsAims for earlier warnings, potentially identifying threats 27 days before CISA
Additional InfoBasic vulnerability informationEnriched data with eploit references and context for better decision-making

Clear Advantages

With its focus on real-time threat intelligence and actionable data, VulnCheck KEV empowers security teams to:

  • Prioritize vulnerabilities based on a more complete picture of the threat landscape.
  • Respond faster to emerging threats with earlier warnings.
  • Minimize exposure by focusing resources on vulnerabilities with readily available exploit information.

With VulnCheck KEV, it allows us to embrace proactive Vulnerability Management

VulnCheck KEV goes beyond basic vulnerability management. It’s a powerful tool designed to help Cybersecurity professional stay ahead of attackers and safeguard our system.

Vendor Intro/Update

Feb 29, 2024:

Mar 08, 2024:

Tool: vcheck-cli

vcheck-cli is a small tool written by me over the weekend.

It can:

  • Download the VulnCheck KEV as zip file.
  • Extract the JSON into a Python list.
  • Search CVE within VulnCheck KEV.
  • Show info such as ransomeware campaign, exploit database, exploit count, and CISA KEV status.

Below is the screenshot:

vcheck-cli : ./ -ve CVE-2021-27102 cve-2019-12985 2024-1709

As of today, the JSON file from VulnCheck KEV contains 2044 CVEs (compare CISA’s 1089).



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